News You Can Use
November 2020
Welcome to Issue #29 of News You Can Use
Write quick story about terry and not having anything done.
I have completed over 7500 Instruments including Wills, Trusts, Deeds, Restatements, Amendments, Advance Health Care Directives and Powers of Attorney. This coupon will be honored through the end of February, 2019.
Did You Know?
If you are interested in reading about issues that affect you, your family, your estate, your world, you can Sign Up And LIKE Afsar Estate Planning Facebook Page, which provides a daily newsfeed.
Listen To My Podcast "Documents You Need To Have A Great Retirement"
Cool Websites
If you or anyone you know would be interested in having a Presentation, contact Afsar Estate Planning or call 858.356.2731 or 858.354.9447 to schedule a Presentation. Karin teaches at Miramar College, Poway Adult Ed and is a sought-after speaker with Oasis, Senior Centers, Churches, Libraries, Groups and Clubs. Presentations on topics including:
Transfer On Death Deed…Is It A Good Or Bad Idea?
Vesting...Tenancy In Common, Joint Tenancy, Community Property?
AB Trusts…Are They Necessary or Obsolete?
Probate...What Happens To My Stuff When I Die?
AHCD, POLST, RTD…What’s The Difference?
Power Of Attorney…What Is It and Do I Need One?
Trust Review…Revise, Renew or Restate?
Everything You've Always Wanted To Know About Estate Planning...
If It Sounds Too Good To Be True…It's Probably A Scam
If you have questions about your Will, Trust or Estate Plan, contact Afsar Estate Planning. If you already have an Estate Plan in place and know someone who would benefit from having their Estate Plan made or their existing Trust reviewed, they can contact Afsar Estate Planning. I have been helping people with their Estate Plans since 2001.
Quotatious Quotes
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