Chicago Hamilton Premiere
Saturday, September 24, 2016
Our journey began at 1:30pm from San Diego, it was a smooth flight, even though we had to sit way in the back of the plane, thanks Southwest! We arrived at 7pm at the Midway Airport in Chicago. We checked into the Chicago Athletic Association. Shake Shack is right inside the hotel The Smoke Shack is the bomb. The room was cool, as they had just gone through a renovation. Here's a view from the 14th Floor Rooftop Restaurant at our Hotel.

Here's a picture looking up to the skyline from Millennium Park, across the street from our hotel!!!

We met Arianna, Erik Liederbach and Vicky Bauer (Arianna's high school friend) at the Gage and met Alexander Hamilton (Miguel Cervantes)

Sunday, September 25, 2016
I got up early and walked down to Lakeshore Drive at the mouth of Lake Michigan, which at 307 miles by by 118 miles and a surface area of 22,404 square miles is the 3rd largest Great Lake. From the shore looking south, it seemed more like an Ocean than a Lake, which makes sense because it's the 6th largest Lake in the world. As I headed back, I got a picture of the Bean @Millennium Park.

We had brunch w/Arianna and her friend from the show, Gabby, at the Dearborn. Arianna heard a treasured compliment from someone who saw her perform the night before. He asked her what it felt like to bring so many to tears, referring to her singing "Burn".
We signed up for the Chicago Trolley on Sunday, Monday and part of Tuesday and saw all the varied Chicago sites as we took the Land, River and Lake tour. Chicago is a vibrant, clean, friendly city with such unique and diverse architecture. Below's just some of the sites we saw:
Sears (or Willis) Tower--Chicago's Tallest Building at 103 stories

Adler Planetarium--The Oldest Planetarium in the Western Hemisphere
Shedd Aquarium--Second largest in the US, Atlanta is largest.

Riding the Ferris Wheel gave us spectacular views of Lake Michigan, the Skyline, the Pier and Lake Shore Drive.

Monday, September 26, 2016
We explored the city, saw Arianna's 44th floor apartment, ate at Giordanos, famous for their deep dish pies. We had a drink at Harry Carays and walked along Magnificent Mile, "the Rodeo Drive of Chicago" with Prada, Gucci, Armani, Harry Winston Diamonds. We cruised the Chicago River, seeing unique architecture and tall skyscrapers.
Trump Tower—Impressive, regardless of your politics

River Lock--Going from River to Lake Michigan, which is 8 feet higher)

Soldier Field--Where the Chicago Bears play

Skyline at Night earned Chicago "Best Skyline In The World" Award

Later, Arianna took us to Chicago 360 It is 94 stories tall with some of the best views of Chicago

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
I have listened to the Hamilton CD (7) times and thoroughly enjoyed each and every song, yet nothing prepared me for the brilliance, precision, joy, pathos, tragedy and triumph of watching Hamilton on stage. I was riveted for the full 2.5 hours hanging on to my husband's arm the whole time. We had fantastic orchestra seats in the absolute center with a perfect view of the stage. I was lucky enough to be "In The Room Where It Happened", experienced the show and watched Arianna shine.

ZOMFG…Lin Manuel Miranda came up to me, shook my hand and thanked us for sharing our daughter ZOMFG!!!!

Met Alex Lacamoire and hugged Thomas Kail because I was so nervous! Both these humble, genuine guys are Tony Award Winning Directors.

As we exited the Stage Door, there was a line of adoring fans, more than a block long, all waiting for the Hamilton cast, I couldn't walk fast enough to get out of there.
OMG Karen Olivo is so nice and genuine!! OMG

Chicago Welcomes Hamilton With Open Arms and Banners

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Hamilton Cast