Taking Care Of Your Loved Ones
Providing Estate Plans Expertly, Efficiently & Affordably
Estate Planning Documents
Revocable Trust
This instrument, once executed, allows you to avoid the time, stress and costs associated with probate. The Trustor names a Trustee who will manage your assets if you become incapacitated and who will also distribute your assets to those you wish to provide for when you die. Because it is revocable, your Trust can be amended as long as you are alive and are competent.
Certification of Trust
This document is a synopsis of the entire Trust. It lists Trustee powers and states who is named as Trustee and Successor Trustee. The certification of Trust is provided for the bank or financial institution and should not state the provisions of your Trust, which should be kept private.
Pour Over Will
This document appoints a person you, the Testator chooses, who will serve as an Executor and handle the administration of your estate when you pass away. This Will also states those you wish to provide for, known as Beneficiaries. This Pour Over Will is used with a Revocable Trust and takes any assets that are acquired after, or inadvertently left out of the Trust and puts them into the Trust.

Your Estate Plan Includes
Attorney Consultations
Personalized Care
Prompt Service
Clear, Concise Explanations
Compassion & Understanding
Expert Advice
Efficient Service
Affordable Pricing
Over 15 Years Experience
Attention to Detail
Advice You Can Trust
Documents Signed In Your Home
All Notary Services
E-Copy of Executed Documents
All Recordings Fees
Deed Transferred Into Trust
Estate Planning Documents
Last Will & Testament
This document considers you as the Testator. Here, you name an Executor, someone who will handle the administration of your estate when you pass away. The Will also lists those you wish to give your assets to or provide for, known as beneficiaries.
Financial Power of Attorney
This instrument appoints an Agent and provides authority for the Agent to act on your behalf regarding your financial affairs if you become incapacitated. If the Power of Attorney becomes only effective upon your incapacitation, a medical declaration of the incapacity must accompany the Power of Attorney.
Advance Health Care Directive
This document allows you to name an Agent and Successor Agent to carry out your health care wishes, if you are unable to expresses those wishes. This is where you also state your end-of-life medical choices.
Revocable Trust
This instrument, once executed, allows you to avoid the time, stress and costs associated with probate. The Trustor names a Trustee who will manage your assets if you become incapacitated and who will also distribute your assets to those you wish to provide for when you die. Because it is revocable, your Trust can be amended as long as you are alive and are competent.
Certification of Trust
This document is a synopsis of the entire Trust. It lists Trustee powers and states who is named as Trustee and Successor Trustee. The certification of Trust is provided for the bank or financial institution and should not state the provisions of your Trust, which should be kept private.
Pour Over Will
This document appoints a person you, the Testator chooses, who will serve as an Executor and handle the administration of your estate when you pass away. This Will also states those you wish to provide for, known as Beneficiaries. This Pour Over Will is used with a Revocable Trust and takes any assets that are acquired after, or inadvertently left out of the Trust and puts them into the Trust.

Each Estate Plan Includes
Attorney Consultations
Personalized Care
Prompt Service
Clear, Concise Explanations
Over 23 Years Experience
Expert Advice
Efficient Service
Affordable Pricing
Attention to Detail
Advice You Can Trust
All Required Notary Services
Titling Home Into Revocable Trust
E-Copy of Executed Documents
Last Will & Testament
This document considers you as the Testator. Here, you name an Executor, someone who will handle the administration of your estate when you pass away. The Will also lists those you wish to give your assets to or provide for, known as beneficiaries.
Financial Power of Attorney
This instrument appoints an Agent and provides authority for the Agent to act on your behalf regarding your financial affairs if you become incapacitated. If the Power of Attorney becomes only effective upon your incapacitation, a medical declaration of the incapacity must accompany the Power of Attorney.
Advance Health Care Directive
This document allows you to name an Agent and Successor Agent to carry out your health care wishes, if you are unable to expresses those wishes. This is where you also state your end-of-life medical choices.